
Miracle play "all is mine"

While many enjoy the beauty of the spiders‘s web, what do we know about these creators? I think, the below painting All Is Mine will cleare a space for a miracle if you just wouldn‘t stumble on a nice shade of meaning of its title but succeed in the recognition of the metaphor on Art by Tomas Karkalas from Lithuania painting.
At first glimpse the spider has nothing in common with a mirror, yet when I identified myself with my eyesight, the true facts about me were revealed – we both looked similar.
Yet have I the right to speak so?
While the spider earns his bread by himself, I just muse on life and hide my disability under the nice theory of art therapy (the dependent on his family grace presents himself as the artist)
While the spider lives on what he earned, I enjoy what is offered to all for a free...
While it is true that "we are what we think", we fail to be what we are if we allow our dreams to replace our day-to-day life and pretend of being better than our activities are.
So have I the right to compare myself with this spider? Who am I? ... I am proud of  being the participant of Top Sites Tuesday on BlogDumps!

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Wolfbernz said...


I enjoyed your artwork, the spider looks so cool in your picture.

Clicks for you!

Trina said...

You are fine to compare yourself to the spider. We all work like a spider to weave our webs in life.


Liggybee said...

The words of wisdom were well-spoken. Good job on this post and painting. They're both so introspective and thought-provoking.

Anonymous said...

Tomas -

Your work rises above the "nice theory of art therapy" to true art.


Bud aka Older Eyes

Sabra said...

Amazing painting here! I love the colors!

Anonymous said...

I will not be a spider! Heaven forbid. I will be ... a moose.

Beautiful picture! The colours are really wonderful and the details amazing.