
dreams had dawned

Dreams had dawned while viewing the archives. THEN I was used not separate myself from my environment...It looked right, yet WHY the body became the tired?
Is it natural?
On the other hand, the archives enabled me to wake up: reminded  the times when the seeing of my footprints everywhere were the obligatory to each my picture - such was and is my viewpoint now too.


lost in fairyland / your choice

We can call this painting either "lost in fairyland" or "scandal".
one image and the ability to interpret his message differently. That's what creative work is all about - choosing between dreams and truth. What would you choose?
different messages


art or life

digital painting BUTTERFLY IN THE PLASTER by Tomas Karkalas

The picture is the picture, yet the title ARTWORK enables us to include the wisest, the most challenging ideas in the image, to name a sheet of paper as the visual thoughts.
On the other hand, the fine arts deal with the great discoveries. For example, I named the above picture the Butterfly in the Plaster.
Yes, it is impossible to imagine such thing, but Butterfly in the Plaster isn't a fantasy - it's me. The interaction of the disabler with his environment portrays the butterfly in the plaster. He is my nickname.
Yes I am able to play, and I am playing. But such confession does not embellish the portrait of the aged who wish to look a wise man. What to do?

"There's no beauty that you could perceive or create if it were not already within you." ~ Peter Shepherd


Daily Moments With God: What Are You Saying? Do You Understand The Power...

Daily Bread / Tomas Karkalas
Daily Moments With God: What Are You Saying? Do You Understand The Power...: Are you watching what you are saying ... or are you just saying the first thing that pops in your head?   We have to get past reacting.    G...