who is Tomas Karkalas

The depth of the steps we leave in life depends on our love to others.

Tomas Karkalas  1955.04.14 - ?

Butterfly in Plaster
I was born in 1955. And, like all the kids, I started growing up. But what happened next was a bit different from everyone else. This was due to a head injury in 1974.
Then there might be an end, but when I was on the brink of death, God brought me back to life.
So I started learning to be "here and now", and  "Art by Tomas" blog was opened.

My art is a meditation in color.
The paintings teach us to see the traces of love in our steps. Light and fine art are inseparable.

Thank you for your interest. Help my colorful dreams to hug you all.


Images created by Lithuanian artist Tomas Karkalas