
last sketch

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art of living

I took a photo, because I enjoyed the visual poetry of the picture. It enabled me to remind the power of endurance and thus decorated my weary eyes with the grateful smile. Merry Christmas!
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visual thoughts

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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amber glow

The musing on art and life awards with desire to say something nice, changes the emptiness into the amber glow.
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portrait of late wisdom

Portrait of late wisdom - Tomas Karkalas 2010
Art by Tomas wander around 7 blogs that I keep to you. Thus digital painting lone survivor came here to present the portrait of late wisdom.
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"thank you" prayer

"thank you" Prayer
the archives reveal what remains constant on art by Tomas picture gallery. All paintings announce  big picture -  its outward look is in constant change to announce the greatest blessing in the acceptance of what's at hand with joy and gratitude. That's my "Thank you" prayer. I am rewriting it each day and thus discover light anew.
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This digital painting as if overviews all my life 'achievements' ( you see the spotted list... )
A spot...- we all know well what does the not-clean mean  That's me - the untitled ... but lucky enough: the hospital for people with psychiatric disorders agreed to hospitalize me ( to hide me from my impotency to deal with shopping season ). I will be there since 14 December and will receive everything I need for a free.....

I tried to escape what was inescapable ( each new post pushes the prior down, back into the silence of the archives - out of memory) Thus I opened the new blog. My last paintings Layers of Dream where put on Tomas' sketchbook. Look here and here and here.
I didn't succeed to arrange the blog properly. And have no idea on how I could improve the current situation. The Tomas' sketchbook appears nowhere but does that mean though any? The sharing is not the marketing, and people without the credit cards are the patients...for life.

Be well dear bloggers. The holidays are rapidly forthcoming.My best wishes.

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