
the preparation for the upcoming feast of All Souls Day

These photos were taken while wandering around my town. The day was sunny and the peace indwelt my heart, helped me to prepare for the upcoming feast of All Souls Day.
Typically the sculptures bear the names of their authors, yet you dint see them below these picks, because I  rejoiced not over the works of the artists I respect, but listened at the breath of my town - I encountered not with the stone creations of some, but met oneself .Thus the sculptures awaken to chat with me and comforted me - the fine arts enabled me to see my own yard in the new light by questioning me where do I head.


last idle days in my yard

I named this picture Last Idle Days in My Yard, because I will be in the hospital since Tuesday. Wow, it is even hard to trust that would come so fast. One who can't neither drive a car, nor manage any virtual business on a web (no credit card) would become...The Patient then. Amidst the people with the psychiatric disorders, my current Total Zero will vanish from sight - I will receive again an opportunity to voice my encounters with the spiritual world that have visited me not once when I walked on the edge of the death after the trauma in 1974.
At a glimpse, the above information just can't interest anybody except me.Thus  the question  arise, why should you read all the above? Would that be the cost for the viewing the artwork? Why did I bother you with the exclusively personal news?
My joy at my November could be yours too, if you would read between the lines. A word November soon would mark our calendar, but it depicts our last chance too - what the AUTUMN mean to you? Just a season of an year, or the overview of our being here and now?
That's why Butterfly in the Plaster addresses you now.


once there lived child for life

Once there lived ... while you see the picture on above, please read its story by clicking here...


My fall festival

What you see in this photo is what makes my fall festival worthy the sharing. Light from the beyond the picture gives the meaning to the ruins and transforms the complaints into the gratitude.

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The cost of beauty

Not art colors, but the attitude of the people towards life values defines the cost of beauty on our day-to-day walk. While all peaople admire the flowers, not the blossom but the way of the presentation of the flowers warm the heart of the recipient.
So what do you see on above? Is that just an artWORK or ... the heart?

While wandering around my town, I was just pierced by  the encounter with that view. Once upon a time a tree bloomed here... and so I did once upon a time. Yet in the photo on above you see just the remnants now...not the famous art therapist, whose words are worthy pondering,  but just the disabler's plead for help...
Unfortunately, while talking nicely about the spirituality and just incredible power of the sense of the oneness of humanity to influence our life for better, the world dismiss the beggars....and that's right. I TOO just feared myself now. Just think. While there are lots of people who have no shelter and starve, I have dared to dream about the costly apparatus for recording my own visions and addressed you for the help. Was it not a pinnacle of  the selfishness?
It is easy to talk about Fine art, to read the stories True Friend, or Street Encounters, but  it's ugly to listen to the weeping of the artist, who worries for his own impotence to continue his shows.

Excuse me please.


The Fine arts lead a beholder to encounter with oneself and thus test his visions

The fine arts lead a beholder to encounter with oneself, test his visions:


the glance of the fall

Fine arts sparkle with color amidst the daily round, and the beholder forgets sad story of his day-to-day walk  The glance of the fall captivates- the pictures chain up the viewer. He didn't enjoy the end - the message of the fall- yet the  the autumnal beauty put him under a charm and sat back in awe, twisted the message of the heaven, because who could enjoy the cemetery otherwise?

Sincerely Yours
1955- ?

smile to oneself

As I visualized my own eyes in the place of the leaves on wet pavement, the picture revived at once.
while photo quality depends on the class of camera, the fine arts ignores our apparatus and knocks on the heart via our mindset.. So What's my response?
Life didn't crashed just my smile to oneself . See my street encounters.
By the way, this artwork (like my all works) looks much better in its natural size (80x60 cm) and...if  viewing the canvas from some distance.
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Challenge of a street

The pictures below are the photos - not an artistic fantasy, but the reality. That's my favorite movie.
Yet is here any to enjoy?
... I am looking at my printer now. It is turned of already for a long, because ... that would be already the complaining, the begging for the help. Thus please excuse me for not ending the sentence. Let's jump over time to the well known to all of us statement "if you can dream it, you can make it" So to speak, care for yourself and make what you dream by yourself.
Yet is that not a deceit of oneself? And others too.
While it is the obvious that the dependent on the grace disabled can't provide neither for himself, nor his family, we all can just a little more...if we trust just in ourselves and thus reject God's Love , which is the omnipotent.

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The Resurrection

- F.Scott Fitzgerald

I have read the Happy Quote and looked around. Thus the photo you see on above have appeared. My memory was awaken...see here. Yet the question is this beauty or the weed? doesn't  bother me now.  I have looked at myself  and my house through the lenses of what was mastered by me while blogging :  the comments we are leaving on others posts, define the hits we are receiving.
I was happy to accept Harriet's Comment Challenge. Art by Tomas put the dreaming about the Heavenly Peace into the practice of my day-to-day walk.


true friend

I named this photo the true friend. Thus the ground underfoot  was honored and rewarded me with  silent yet omnipotent support:  each time my eyes fall down now, the wonderful visions awake since then and dry up my tears.
I am glad to confess the above truth, yet have I the right to name her the artwork? Though this pick is my indeed, but I myself am picked up. When we talk about our handicrafts, we can either rejoice over human creativity, or try to edit what was done already. My true friend is free from the above ambiguity, his eyes are always lifted up.
So to speak, the photo gifted a key to life to me, and I am proud of sharing that precious keyword with you now: Do you know God's name?