
last sketch

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art of living

I took a photo, because I enjoyed the visual poetry of the picture. It enabled me to remind the power of endurance and thus decorated my weary eyes with the grateful smile. Merry Christmas!
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visual thoughts

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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amber glow

The musing on art and life awards with desire to say something nice, changes the emptiness into the amber glow.
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portrait of late wisdom

Portrait of late wisdom - Tomas Karkalas 2010
Art by Tomas wander around 7 blogs that I keep to you. Thus digital painting lone survivor came here to present the portrait of late wisdom.
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"thank you" prayer

"thank you" Prayer
the archives reveal what remains constant on art by Tomas picture gallery. All paintings announce  big picture -  its outward look is in constant change to announce the greatest blessing in the acceptance of what's at hand with joy and gratitude. That's my "Thank you" prayer. I am rewriting it each day and thus discover light anew.
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This digital painting as if overviews all my life 'achievements' ( you see the spotted list... )
A spot...- we all know well what does the not-clean mean  That's me - the untitled ... but lucky enough: the hospital for people with psychiatric disorders agreed to hospitalize me ( to hide me from my impotency to deal with shopping season ). I will be there since 14 December and will receive everything I need for a free.....

I tried to escape what was inescapable ( each new post pushes the prior down, back into the silence of the archives - out of memory) Thus I opened the new blog. My last paintings Layers of Dream where put on Tomas' sketchbook. Look here and here and here.
I didn't succeed to arrange the blog properly. And have no idea on how I could improve the current situation. The Tomas' sketchbook appears nowhere but does that mean though any? The sharing is not the marketing, and people without the credit cards are the patients...for life.

Be well dear bloggers. The holidays are rapidly forthcoming.My best wishes.

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how visual beauty relate to morality

photo of the exhibition of digital paintings by Tomas Karkalas

My works (digital painting) were exhibited in the Music Theater. When I noticed that, I was pleasantly surprised. Such statement may sound strangely to you, yet the exhibition of my works was great surprise to me too. Yet there were no mystery: the pictures that you see in the photo though are mine yet do not belong to me - they are the property of the hospital already for some years. While watching the collection of works that were gifted to the hospital, my heart bloomed out with joy for such care.
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visual aids to success

The wandering around heads nowhere, yet such life style is worhy pondering. While the setting of the wise goals just offers a lot, the courage to glimpse at what‘s underfoot reveals everything about life :
This digital painting enabled me to appreciate my HERE and NOW more than any before.

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what are you thankful for?

While looking at the fallen leaves I  recognized self-portrait 
Tomas Karkalas - LOST UNDERFOOT - 2010 digital painting

The blogging taught me to join freedom to talk  with the responsibility for the message I share.
Now the descriptions of the artworks test the colors of art by Tomas. Questioning myself what I am grateful for illuminates the ambiguous dusk of today. 

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Top secret of abstract painting

Here is the Shadow Smile. This digital painting offers a key to the viewer to unlock the joy that is inscribed in the artwork.
When you will identify yourself with your eyesight, the abstract painting will cease to be the mysterious collection of brush strokes and will reveal itself as a symbol that puts mind and heart in harmony – makes the dream into the reality.
Top secret of Art by Tomas blog is the personal approach that transfers the dirty puddles underfoot into the stunning picture gallery.
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Sheltered Life on Art by Tomas or Two Thoughts On Tuesday

As the trees are dropping down the last leaflets, the thoughts awake the pictures, and I hurry to showcase my artworks. As my paintbrush focuses on what‘s lying underfoot, the painting examines how my mindset was influenced by daily news. Thus let‘s look at sheltered life
In a search for a shelter people start to appreciate the warmth of a sunbeam much more. That‘s why I love the rapidly forthcoming winter. Though the cold will bite but the freezing snowflakes will light the eyes with gratitude for the rescuing from the personal laziness to properly respond to the light we enjoy now.
Creative works helps rescue emotional flowers from withering in grieving for personal needlessness.

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Shield of Smile

The digital painting Shield of a Smile looks at us and guesses what would be our response.
That's the art therapy. It always starts as the artist puts down his paintbrush. That is always a test. So I have to choose now. I can either smile to all passersby (to welcome the strangers as myself) or try to look wise and hide my story under the lock.
The truth I confess in my writings quite often spots the purity of colors that I had luck to sense. So you can either rejoice at my Shield of Smile  (at the artworks of art by Tomas) or read about my contradicting emotions below each picture.
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Sunbeam Riders

The digital painting Sunbeam Riders welcomes you, dear bloggers. Light created a picture to enjoy from my contradicting emotions. While your feedbacks put on a smile of gratitude, the health problems cause me lots of troubles.
Your comments always make my day, yet as I go outside, it becomes hard to accept my impotency to follow the visions : I see not only the nice exhibitions that could be arranged by me but the cost of all the technicalities too and thus my total inability to deal with the material problems I face becomes obvious.
While it is easy to understand why the unemployed can‘t allow themselves the luxury to relax in a coffee-houses, that wisdom helps a little in my dealing with the wish to enter the coffee-house where my own paintings hang on a wall. It would be fine to dream over a cup of coffee there, yet the unemployed can plan to improve their current financial situation, meanwhile people with disabilities are free from any projects on their further being. They are totally dependent on a grace of their benefactors and can just thank for remaining alive.
At times it‘s hard indeed. In spite of that Sunbeam Riders claim the ultimate victory of the light that never was overcame by the darkness. So let‘s joke a bit. My empty purse limits my daily walk (strictly edits my dreams), but that dependence on a lucky accident not grieves me but comforts by gifting more time to write a letter to you – enables me to study the dictionary and to rejoice at the eternal values


Autumn Joke

Art deals with the symbols. Thus there is no wonder for the magical transformation takes place while painting. The fall looks attractively and the sunset associates with the dawn...
While reading my diary you will witness the incredible journey of the sorrowful reports to the splendor of fine arts.

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Autumn Picks

Painting transforms the warning news into the admirable pictures. Threatening reality blooms with awesome allegories and thus sits us back in an awe...Art therapy works the miracles - artistic reflections make the helpless victims the heroes, who face life disasters with a hearty smile. Such way the Autumn Picks embellishes my surroundings too, yet have I the right to enjoy the poetry while passing by the beggars or people who ask for a bread?
The Creative work heals the artist, yet does his artwork do the same to the viewers?

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Harvest of inspiration

It is raining now. It's windy and cold. It is always so at night, yet my face shines with smile.
What we see differ from what we experience inside  and what we experience illuminates what we see. Thus we indwell in a metaphor and my digital painting Harvest of Inspiration illustrates our journey to the eternal light.
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Healing tears

 This digital painting looks like wet space Thus I named it the HEALING TEARS. They are wet too, isn't it?
 The below text should explain the titles of Art by Tomas in more details for it would be easier to move in the world of metaphors.

Hello is always Hello, yet people spread that message  differently. While most are used to talk in their native language, I prefer the prompts of my Lithuanian-English dictionary to my mother-tongue that I love so much. That may look a bit confusing at a glimpse, yet my actions are so easy to explain. Writing in English adds a sense of some authority to my musings on life and thus increases the self-confidence. The last looks like a dream, and it is especially desirable to each who is out of work for life because of his social status of the disabler. So I am glad to pay the cost- to agree to be a stranger among my own due to writing in the foreign. Though the last is the hard experience, yet it is so good to visualize the fruits of my pen as the statements that are worthy pondering deeper. In the light of the above, what may look like childish play obtains the value – showcases the traditional „Hi!“ as heartily as consciously.
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back to essentials

While drawing this picture, the autumn stepped into my yard and revived the pale colors with the fire of the metaphors. Thus my pension looks like a sweet now, and I do not grieve for being left for myself but rejoice over the life challenge – while retreating to forced pension I was welcomed to a journey back to the essentials. So the digital painting bloomed out with great expectations. Fine arts awakened me and explained the absence of fear in my diary.
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dancing lights

Our attitude towards the painting defines the magic of the artworks. The viewer's  approach either awakes the colors of the pictures or silences the dancing lights and thus confuses him even more than daily problems that have brought him to the art showroom. 
While separate stroke of a paintbrush means nothing out of itself, each spot on the canvas may gift  to its beholder an opportunity to meet with himself and taste his personal emotions. So the dark scratch may as inspire as irritate. For example, we can either recognize the silhouette of some figure in brush stoke and read its awakening story of the travel to light or to disgust at the "abstraction" and grieve over the death of morality in the modern art. Yet would the last statement be the truth?
Digital painting Dancing lights reflects the huge palette of emotions that are the keys to our dreamland - to the recognition of ourselves in the eyes of others. Welcome to Art by Tomas!
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In this digital painting I recognize myself in my yard and open the diary. That was the real memento. Fine arts didn't weep but lighted the candles on the graves of the unknown.

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writing with the eraser

While writing with the eraser, I'm learning to appreciate the remains :

The picture Writing with the eraser reflected my current doings, yet did this digital painting express my heart too? Is there any to enjoy or follow? 
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